Maria has over a decade of experience working professionally with animals. She is a Certified Trainer & Counsellor, Certified Trick Dog Instructor, Certified Fear Free Professional, and an Accredited CARO Judge. Committed to providing her clients both (human and pet) the best care possible Maria keeps her education and certifications up to date. She also sends clear, easy-to-follow training plans and customized notes as well as being available for follow-ups and questions, so clients can proceed with training safely and confidently. When not busy assisting her clients, Maria enjoys spending time with her two Nova Scotia Duck Tollers, Penny and Nemo. Maria and her dogs practice cooperative care and life skills training, as well as participate in dog sports such as Rally Obedience, Musical Freestyle, and Tricks.

Maria’s Current Dogs

Penny is 13 years old and loves cuddles, hiking in the woods, and learning new tricks. She has earned her Canine Good Neighbour certification, as well as her Versatility Excellent, and several Working and Team titles in CARO Rally-O. Penny also earned her Excellent Trick Dog titles.

Nemo is 9 years old. He struggles with generalized anxiety disorder but has made huge strides since joining Maria’s family. Nemo is a playful, sweet dog, who requires a little extra care and attention. Nemo has earned his Excellent and a few Working and Team titles in CARO Rally-O.

Education & Experience

As a lifelong learner, Maria eagerly seeks out and maximizes opportunities to expand her knowledge of pet care, animal behaviour, and dog training. She enjoys listening to animal training podcasts, reading about science-based animal behaviour and training techniques, attending courses and seminars, as well as learning from the amazing trainers and veterinary behaviourists who generously offer to share their time and expertise. Below is a quick summary of Maria’s most recent professional education adventures. For a list of more conferences, seminars, and courses she completed in recent years go here.

Jan 2024 – Clicker Expo Live
Positive and informative Karen Pryor Academy conference. Over the course of the 3 days, I managed to participate in 15 live stream presentations, mainly focusing on husbandry, ethology, clicker training, and cue discrimination. In addition, I am super excited to have access to recordings of all other sessions, which I will be watching over the next few months.

July 16, 2022 – “Dogs with Big Feelings!” – Attended the one-day online seminar hosted by the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy. Topics included pattern games, multiple marker systems, underlying causes for over-arousal in dogs, antecedent arrangement for staying under threshold, and calming games.

Feb 13, 2022 – Fear Free Animal Trainer Certification
The Fear Free mission is to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them. Empowering owners to provide care and grooming with the lowest possible level of fear, anxiety, and stress for their pets is a passion of mine. Through the Fear Free program, I’ve gained further knowledge and experience which enables me to provide even more resources to clients.

Feb 11-13, 2022 – The Lemonade Conference III
This exciting educational extravaganza was hosted by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and Fenzi Dog Sport Academy (FDSA). Delighted to learn from over 40 amazing presenters from around the world, who are leaders in dog training and pet behaviour. Over the course of the 3 days, I managed to participate in 21 live stream presentations, mainly focusing on ethology, husbandry, and enrichment. In addition, I am super excited to have access to recordings of all other sessions, which I will be watching over the next few months.